The FirstTo6G consortium

The consortium assembles six partners from Germany, Sweden, Greece, Turkey, and Switzerland and consists of experts from various disciplines, including specialists in data converters (InCirT), SiGe-based mm-wave and sub-THz frontends (RWTH and YEDITEPE), CMOS-based mm-wave frontends (SIVERS and ArgoSemi), high-frequency characterisation (RWTH) as well as professional project management, communication, and dissemination (SCIPROM).

The industrial consortium partners InCirT, ArgoSemi, and SIVERS are very well connected in the microelectronics industry and for example all part of 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA), the voice of European Industry and Research for next generation networks and services. The academic consortium partners and in particular RWTH are well connected in the 6G research and industry platforms in Germany, which will be beneficial for the exploitation of the project results on a large scale and for covering a variety of stakeholders, including the general public.

InCirT GmbH
  • Aachen, Germany
  • Erkan Bayram
  • Mohamed Elsayed
  • Peco Gjurovski
  • Oner Hanay
  • Christopher Nardi
  • Dennis Raffauf
  • Sebastian Waters

InCirT GmbH is a highly innovative microelectronics SME, based in Aachen, Germany, with a focus on high-performance data-converter technology for WiFi, 5G, 6G or radars. InCirT has invented the revolutionary FDDAC and FDADC data converter microchip architectures. These enable extremely wide modulation bandwidth at high signal quality, extremely high energy efficiency and they do not require the usage of advanced semiconductor technology.

InCirT’s technology is specifically suitable for a) Software Defined Radio solutions for highly flexible and cost efficient communication systems or b) ultra-high data rate (>50Gbps) wireless communication links.

Sivers Wireless AB
  • Stockholm, Sweden
  • Håkan Berg
  • Klas Brink
  • Johanna Hanning
  • Torgil Kjellberg
  • Erik Öjefors
  • Kristoffer Sjögren
  • Magnus Sneitz
  • Martin Wiezell

Sivers Wireless AB (SIVERS), a 6G-IA member, is a mm-wave wireless communication subsidiary of the Sivers Semiconductors AB group, based in Stockholm, Sweden. Since 2011, the company has focussed on the design and manufacturing of radio modules and beamforming RFICs for high-speed mm-wave wireless communication such as E-band PtP links, 60 GHz IEEE wireless networks, and licensed FR2 5G in the 28/39 GHz bands.

The company specializes in the mm-wave transceiver frontend design and collaborates with modem/baseband partners such as NXP, Renesas, and Blu Wireless in order to provide customers with fully integrated solutions.

Argo Semiconductors SA
  • Athens, Greece
  • Manolis Frantzeskaskis
  • Kostas Papathanasiou
  • Konstantinos Vryssas

ArgoSemi was founded in 2016, with the core team emerging from Broadcom’s RFIC centre. ArgoSemi's world-class core team has many years of experience in developing RFIC products and has brought more than one billion chips to market. Based on these capabilities, ArgoSemi has built its own portfolio of RF subsystems and block IP components. ArgoSemi helps its customers develop products that meet the most stringent requirements, while reducing development time and limiting development risk.

The product portfolio includes RF transceiver subsystems and high performance synthesizers, as well as a wide range of high-quality RF blocks that can be used to build sub-6GHz NR RF transceivers, Wi-Fi RF transceivers, radar processing chains, or any other RF functionality.

Yeditepe Üniversitesi
  • Istanbul, Turkey
  • Huseyin Can Bozkurt
  • Yunus Emre Kara
  • Serkan Topaloglu

Yeditepe Üniversitesi is a foundation and research university located in Istanbul, Turkey. Established in 1996, the university offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degree programmes in various fields, including engineering, business, law, health sciences, and social sciences. YEDITEPE is deeply committed to research and innovation and collaborates with industry partners and other academic institutions to promote knowledge transfer and solve real-world problems. The university conducts cutting-edge research in renewable energy, nanotechnology, health sciences, and social sciences through its research centers and institutes. Moreover, YEDITEPE provides an outstanding academic and research environment for students, faculty, and researchers and is well-equipped to support projects across a wide range of fields.

Yeditepe University's RF (Radio Frequency) Lab is a state-of-the-art research facility dedicated to studying and developing wireless communication systems. Located within the university's Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, the RF Lab provides resources and expertise for researchers, students, and industry partners working on RF and microwave engineering projects, antenna design, RF circuit design, and wireless communication systems.

RWTH Aachen University
  • Aachen, Germany
  • David Bierbüsse
  • Florian Dietrich
  • Eduard Heidebrecht
  • Renato Negra

RWTH Aachen University is one of the leading universities of technology in Germany. It was founded in 1870 as an institution to provide technological innovation and is divided into 9 faculties. About 35,000 students are enrolled in 126 courses. The number of 5000 foreign students substantiates the university’s international orientation. About 5.000 graduates and doctoral graduates leave the university per year. About 480 professors and 4500 academic and 2300 non-academic colleagues work at RWTH Aachen University.

The university budget amounts to 748 million Euros of which about 314 million Euros are third-party expenditures. Special fields of research, 20 graduate colleges, 16 affiliated institutes with strong industrial alignment illustrate the university’s considerable research potential. RWTH Aachen is participating in the IDEA League, a network of the leading Universities of Technology in Europe, which defines standards for degree programmes and academic training.

  • St-Sulpice, Switzerland
  • Filippo Gander
  • Kirsten Leufgen
  • Dominique Stücker
  • Peter Ulrich

SCIPROM is supporting the FirstTo6G consortium regarding management, communication, and dissemination. Founded in 2005, SCIPROM is an SME specialised in the management and communication of large research projects. SCIPROM supports coordinators from the first project idea to the final report, in project set-up, negotiation, management, and communication.

SCIPROM is or has been participating in more than 35 FP projects in different thematic priorities and with different types of funding schemes and consortia ranging from 6 to 27 partners.

FirstTo6G has received funding from the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) and its members under the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme and by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).

Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union, SNS JU or SERI. Neither the European Union nor the granting authorities can be held responsible for them.

© 2024 FirstTo6G Project
Created by SCIPROM